
Den 11 October Agenda

Matt Lawson and I took a look at the October Den Meeting Plan and decided we could accomplish all the achievement goals at our Family Fall Camping Event. I believe we have 100% of the Den signed up.

1. Our first Go See It will be held the 1st part of Ocotber and we will go to the Marietta Daily Journal.
2. Popcorn Show/Sell, Saturday 10/03/2009 at Garrison Mill
3. Family Fall Camping, 10/16-18/2009 at Bert Adams Scout Reservation
4. Pack Meeting, 10/20/2009 at Garrison Mill
5. October Go See It will be the last part of October and we will go as a Den to a zoo, farm, stables, or animal park.

Bobcat Badge
I would like to get all the scouts ready so that they can get their Bobcat Badge for the October 20, 2009 Pack Meeting. You can find all 8 of the criteria in the Tiger Cub Scout Handbook. I will need to submit the Monthly Achievement Report to Lisa Baraji by October 14th so she can pick up the badges. Please call me if you have any questions about the Bobcat requirements.