4629 Wickford Circle
Roswell, GA
(Click above for Map)
Lisa Baraji, Ashton's mom, who has experience with the Cub Scouts through her older son, has provided the Den with a fabulous resource: TIGER CUB Program Helps that includes a sample Den agenda for the next year. This agenda will move the boys and families first to get their Bobcat badge and then to get their Tiger Badge by March 2010. David Janes, Pack 471 Cub Master will also be joining us tomorrow night. Below is the agenda for tomorrow night.
Click on the picture to the left to enlarge it.
NOTE: Make sure your Cub Scout comes with something in their pockets to share about!
In the future, we will be asking family members to contribute.
Two options for family run Den Meetings & activities:
A. Each family takes a month: That family would sign up for a particular month to host the Den Meeting, plan the activity, gather supplies, and coordinate the Go-See-It project.
B. Each family would volunteer for tasks that are needed for the Den. Tasks would include such things as:
- Activity Record-Keeper & Webmaster
- Game and Song Leader
- Special Event Coordinator
- Academic and Sports Coordinator (Belt Loops)
- First Aid and Safety
- Flag Ceremonies
- Den Meeting Activity Leader
We will take a poll and then get started by assigning dates and responsibilities so we can get our October meetings on the calendar. We will also be discussing Den Dues. If families take a month (Option A above), then each family would be responsible for purchasing that months activity supplies. If we choose option B, we would need to collect nominal dues so the Den Meeting Activity Leader could purchase supplies.
Note: Matthew Lawson, Assistant Den Leader mentioned that the BSA does sell meeting kits for approximately $37.00 per month. If someone had the time and creativity this cost could be a lot less. I scaled back the activity for September and was able to spend less than $1.00 per scout by gathering supplies we already had at our home.
Please ponder these critical Den administrative decisions over the next 24 hours and we can discuss briefly at the Den Meeting.
Dan Betts
Den 11