
From the Pack: Popcorn Show and Sell this Saturday 10am

Please remember that our first popcorn show and sell is this Saturday. Please meet at 10:00a.m. in the parking lot of Garrison Mill to join fellow scouts and parents to canvas the neighborhoods around the school. Steve Cook will bring the popcorn and each group will divide the sells between each boy in their group. We have big plans for our pack this year and the more popcorn we sell the less money will come out of our pockets! We had great success going door to door last year and hope for the same this year.

Some good reasons to go with the Pack on the show and sells:

1. Fellowship with other scouts - it is a lot more fun to sell in packs than to sell by yourself
2. Have popcorn in hand to sell - that means no going back for delivery
3. Canvas the entire neighborhood - means more chance to sell

If you can not make this Saturday please add the next two show and sell dates to your calendars.

Saturday, September, 26th- 10:00a.m.
Saturday, October, 3rd- 10:00a.m.

Lisa Baraji
Pack 471
Committee Chair