
Welcome to Den 11

My name is Dan Betts and, I want to welcome the boys and their families to Den 11. Last night the Den was formed and leaders volunteered. As the new Den Leader I am excited and at the same time wondering what I have got myself into. I did crack open the Leader Book last night and started skimming the contents. At this point, I have a lot to learn and will not profess any innate ability except the desire to do my best. Mr. Matt Lawson has volunteered to be the Assistant Den Leader and I was very impressed with all the support and willingness to pitch in from all the parents present.

There are currently 8 boys in our Den

  • Ashton Baraji
  • Alex Betts
  • Daniel Lee
  • Matthew Grachen
  • Jack Hunter
  • Zachary Race
  • Andrew Lawson
  • Colin Sanders

I will inquire about what type of contact information we can compile for each boy and family in order to facilitate communication.

Our next Pack Meeting is Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 6:45 PM at Garrison Mill Elementary School. Uniform is optional if you have not had a chance to pick one up yet.

The parents last night also agreed that our first Den meeting will be Tuesday September 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM at a location yet to be determined.

Here is my contact information:

{See About Us link above}

Some of the parents also inquired as to where to go to purchase the Class A uniform. The Atlanta Scout Shop is co-located with the Boy Scouts of America; Atlanta Council offices.

Boy Scouts of America, Atlanta Council
Atlanta Scout Shop
1800 Circle 75 Pkwy SE
Atlanta, GA