
1st Den Meeting and Updates

The first Den Meeting is Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM.

Lisa Grachen has graciously offered for us to meet at their home:

4629 Wickford Circle
Roswell, GA

Directions: (CLICK HERE)
The house is in Chatsworth. It's the first subdivision off of Mabry coming from QT. It will be Derwent drive. Then make 2nd right onto Chatsworth Overlook and then Right onto Weatherby Way than left onto Wickford Circle. We are at the end of the cul de sac in the yellow house on hill.

1st Activity: What's in your pocket?
Have boys remove everything from their pockets. Make sure they get everything from all of their pockets: pants and shirt, front and back-put it all on a table. With the aid of their adult partner, write down the name of each item. Who has the most in his pockets? Who has the least in his pockets? Who has the most interesting thing in his pocket? Boys will share information from this activity later in the den meeting. The next week we will ask the boys to bring in a collection and this will go towards Elective 16 in the Tiger Cub Handbook.

- Tell your son about the activity and encourage him to put a few small things in his pocket prior to the meeting.

I may ask for some assistance later this week for the meeting as I am researching the Cub Scout Program Helps that Lisa Baraji was so kind to send me.

Future Meetings
I have a request to meet on a different night, so we can open up the options again. It will be difficult to be able to meet everyone's schedule requirements but we want to avoid recurring events if possible. Just a reminder, you are not required to attend 100% of meeting and events. However, the more you are involved with your son in scouting, the more he will get out of it. That being said, I already know that Alex and I cannot do all activities scheduled on the Pack Calendar.

My son Alex has flag football practice on Monday and Thursday. I guess, right now that leaves Wednesday evenings or the Weekend. I am sure that we will move the meeting each season to accommodate as many of us as we can.

For the first Meeting, I am putting together a Tiger Cub Den Meeting Program. I am also putting the Meeting plan for the entire Tiger Cub year together. The annual plan will include a path for each of the boys to achieve their Tiger Badge. Our goal for October is to get all the boys their Bobcat Badge. The Annual Plan will be posted on our Web site when I get it completed (thanks Matt for putting this great site together).

If you cannot attend a meeting, parents will be responsible for making up the achievement activities with their sons or possibly demonstrate achievement at the next meeting. As it has been explained to me, achievements are between the scout and their adult partner. It is an honor system that you and your son will hold yourself to. It is not so important that the scout master the achievement but that he has an understanding and participates in the activity with his adult partner.

Fall Family Camping
The Fall Family Camping activity is October 16-18, 2009. Sounds like a lot of fun; camping, archery, canoeing, camp fire, field activities, etc. If you can, check out www.atlantabsa.org and take a look at the Bert Adams Scout Reservations. This is located just outside of Covington, GA. You will need to sign up before September 25, 2009. Not sure how yet, but send me your name if you want to sign up and I will contact David Janes, Scout Master.

Dan Betts