
1st Meeting Minutes

Great Meeting Den 11!

Thanks to all the parents for their support and participation!

Take-Aways from the Meeting
  • All scouts present earned an orange bead for Achievement 2D.
  • After reviewing the Cub Scout Handbook, all scouts present also earned an orange bead for Achievement 1D. I will hand out these beads at our next meeting.
  • Families should work with the scouts to complete all 8 parts of the Bobcat Trail before our next meeting so we can get the Bobcat Badges awarded at the next Pack Meeting.
  • You can send an e-mail to Matt Lawson as you complete your Achievements and Electives. I still need to learn how the belt loops work. Matt and Dan Betts will sign the scouts Hand Book at the meetings to keep them caught up (remember to uphold and discuss the scouting values and Character Connections)
  • The Den will meet twice a month
    • Den Meeting early in the month on a Tuesday
    • Go See it activity
  • The Pack will meet once a month (see pack calendar)
  • There are additional optional activities each month.
  • The Den agreed that each scout family will sponsor a month of Den Activities. This will include:
    • Plan the Den Meeting
      • Location
      • Games
      • Activities
      • Etc.
    • Plan and coordinate the Go See It for the month
    • Coordinate plan with the Den Leader prior to the meetings and activities.
    • Next 4 months Sponsors
      • October - Jack Hunter
      • November - Matthew Grachen
      • December - Ashton Baraji
      • January - Colin Sanders
  • Matt Lawson will arrange a visit to the Marietta Journal Constitution for early October for our first Go-See-It. He will send out date, time and location. Scouts should wear their uniforms to the Go-See-It as much as possible.
  • Camping Trip - More details will come out closer to the trip but for Friday night, scouts and families can start arriving at Bert Adams Scout Reservation after 4:00 PM. Friday's meals are on your own but there will be some snacks later in the evening provided by the Pack. I am excited to see that all 8 scouts are signed up to be at the event.