Matt Lawson and I took a look at the October Den Meeting Plan and decided we could accomplish all the achievement goals at our Family Fall Camping Event. I believe we have 100% of the Den signed up.
1. Our first Go See It will be held the 1st part of Ocotber and we will go to the Marietta Daily Journal.
2. Popcorn Show/Sell, Saturday 10/03/2009 at Garrison Mill
3. Family Fall Camping, 10/16-18/2009 at Bert Adams Scout Reservation
4. Pack Meeting, 10/20/2009 at Garrison Mill
5. October Go See It will be the last part of October and we will go as a Den to a zoo, farm, stables, or animal park.
Bobcat Badge
I would like to get all the scouts ready so that they can get their Bobcat Badge for the October 20, 2009 Pack Meeting. You can find all 8 of the criteria in the Tiger Cub Scout Handbook. I will need to submit the Monthly Achievement Report to Lisa Baraji by October 14th so she can pick up the badges. Please call me if you have any questions about the Bobcat requirements.
Bobcat Rank Addt'l Info
To achieve the Bobcat badge your Scout will need to complete the 8 items, found in the Tiger Cub handbook, on page 29. Work with your scout on these, and when each is completed, sign and date on the "Akela's OK" line. During the next Den Meeting or GoSeeIt, either Dan or I will also sign on the "Recorded by the Den Leader" line.
If you don't have the handbook yet, click below to see the 8 steps!
Bobcat Rank Requirements
To achieve the Bobcat badge your Scout will need to complete the 8 items, found in the Tiger Cub handbook, on page 29. Work with your scout on these, and when each is completed, sign and date on the "Akela's OK" line. During the next Den Meeting or GoSeeIt, either Dan or I will also sign on the "Recorded by the Den Leader" line.
If you don't have the handbook yet, click below to see the 8 steps!
Bobcat Rank Requirements
1st Meeting Minutes
Great Meeting Den 11!
Thanks to all the parents for their support and participation!
Take-Aways from the Meeting
Thanks to all the parents for their support and participation!
Take-Aways from the Meeting
- All scouts present earned an orange bead for Achievement 2D.
- After reviewing the Cub Scout Handbook, all scouts present also earned an orange bead for Achievement 1D. I will hand out these beads at our next meeting.
- Families should work with the scouts to complete all 8 parts of the Bobcat Trail before our next meeting so we can get the Bobcat Badges awarded at the next Pack Meeting.
- You can send an e-mail to Matt Lawson as you complete your Achievements and Electives. I still need to learn how the belt loops work. Matt and Dan Betts will sign the scouts Hand Book at the meetings to keep them caught up (remember to uphold and discuss the scouting values and Character Connections)
- The Den will meet twice a month
- Den Meeting early in the month on a Tuesday
- Go See it activity
- The Pack will meet once a month (see pack calendar)
- There are additional optional activities each month.
- The Den agreed that each scout family will sponsor a month of Den Activities. This will include:
- Plan the Den Meeting
- Location
- Games
- Activities
- Etc.
- Plan and coordinate the Go See It for the month
- Coordinate plan with the Den Leader prior to the meetings and activities.
- Next 4 months Sponsors
- October - Jack Hunter
- November - Matthew Grachen
- December - Ashton Baraji
- January - Colin Sanders
- Plan the Den Meeting
- Matt Lawson will arrange a visit to the Marietta Journal Constitution for early October for our first Go-See-It. He will send out date, time and location. Scouts should wear their uniforms to the Go-See-It as much as possible.
- Camping Trip - More details will come out closer to the trip but for Friday night, scouts and families can start arriving at Bert Adams Scout Reservation after 4:00 PM. Friday's meals are on your own but there will be some snacks later in the evening provided by the Pack. I am excited to see that all 8 scouts are signed up to be at the event.
Den Meeting Information
This is a reminder that our first Den Meeting is tomorrow, September 22, 2009 at 6:30. We will be meeting at the Grachen home (Dave, Lisa & Matthew).
4629 Wickford Circle
Roswell, GA
(Click above for Map)
Lisa Baraji, Ashton's mom, who has experience with the Cub Scouts through her older son, has provided the Den with a fabulous resource: TIGER CUB Program Helps that includes a sample Den agenda for the next year. This agenda will move the boys and families first to get their Bobcat badge and then to get their Tiger Badge by March 2010. David Janes, Pack 471 Cub Master will also be joining us tomorrow night. Below is the agenda for tomorrow night.
The Tiger Cub program emphasizes families actively participating in the scouts Den Meetings and achievements. Just a reminder, that there are no drop off's for Tiger Cubs; a parent must accompany the scout at all scouting activities. As Den Leader, I have arranged for most of the materials and planning for this first meeting.
Click on the picture to the left to enlarge it.
NOTE: Make sure your Cub Scout comes with something in their pockets to share about!
In the future, we will be asking family members to contribute.
Two options for family run Den Meetings & activities:
A. Each family takes a month: That family would sign up for a particular month to host the Den Meeting, plan the activity, gather supplies, and coordinate the Go-See-It project.
B. Each family would volunteer for tasks that are needed for the Den. Tasks would include such things as:
We will take a poll and then get started by assigning dates and responsibilities so we can get our October meetings on the calendar. We will also be discussing Den Dues. If families take a month (Option A above), then each family would be responsible for purchasing that months activity supplies. If we choose option B, we would need to collect nominal dues so the Den Meeting Activity Leader could purchase supplies.
Note: Matthew Lawson, Assistant Den Leader mentioned that the BSA does sell meeting kits for approximately $37.00 per month. If someone had the time and creativity this cost could be a lot less. I scaled back the activity for September and was able to spend less than $1.00 per scout by gathering supplies we already had at our home.
Please ponder these critical Den administrative decisions over the next 24 hours and we can discuss briefly at the Den Meeting.
Dan Betts
Den 11
4629 Wickford Circle
Roswell, GA
(Click above for Map)
Lisa Baraji, Ashton's mom, who has experience with the Cub Scouts through her older son, has provided the Den with a fabulous resource: TIGER CUB Program Helps that includes a sample Den agenda for the next year. This agenda will move the boys and families first to get their Bobcat badge and then to get their Tiger Badge by March 2010. David Janes, Pack 471 Cub Master will also be joining us tomorrow night. Below is the agenda for tomorrow night.
Click on the picture to the left to enlarge it.
NOTE: Make sure your Cub Scout comes with something in their pockets to share about!
In the future, we will be asking family members to contribute.
Two options for family run Den Meetings & activities:
A. Each family takes a month: That family would sign up for a particular month to host the Den Meeting, plan the activity, gather supplies, and coordinate the Go-See-It project.
B. Each family would volunteer for tasks that are needed for the Den. Tasks would include such things as:
- Activity Record-Keeper & Webmaster
- Game and Song Leader
- Special Event Coordinator
- Academic and Sports Coordinator (Belt Loops)
- First Aid and Safety
- Flag Ceremonies
- Den Meeting Activity Leader
We will take a poll and then get started by assigning dates and responsibilities so we can get our October meetings on the calendar. We will also be discussing Den Dues. If families take a month (Option A above), then each family would be responsible for purchasing that months activity supplies. If we choose option B, we would need to collect nominal dues so the Den Meeting Activity Leader could purchase supplies.
Note: Matthew Lawson, Assistant Den Leader mentioned that the BSA does sell meeting kits for approximately $37.00 per month. If someone had the time and creativity this cost could be a lot less. I scaled back the activity for September and was able to spend less than $1.00 per scout by gathering supplies we already had at our home.
Please ponder these critical Den administrative decisions over the next 24 hours and we can discuss briefly at the Den Meeting.
Dan Betts
Den 11
Too much rain!
Rain, rain…..the popcorn show and sell was canceled today.
We will try again the next 2 Saturdays as referenced in Lisa’s post below. Additionally, if you have kids/parents that have already been selling popcorn we can go ahead and provide them the inventory to deliver to their customers; they can call Steve or I and we’ll arrange to bring the popcorn to them. Please encourage your parents to collect the money up front-this is a big help in reconciling the inventory.
Heidi Cook
E-Mail: csteve (at) bellsouth (dot) net
(Note: If you need Heidi's phone contact information, you can get it by request via the "Contact Us" form, or by contacting one of us from the "About Us" page)
We will try again the next 2 Saturdays as referenced in Lisa’s post below. Additionally, if you have kids/parents that have already been selling popcorn we can go ahead and provide them the inventory to deliver to their customers; they can call Steve or I and we’ll arrange to bring the popcorn to them. Please encourage your parents to collect the money up front-this is a big help in reconciling the inventory.
Heidi Cook
E-Mail: csteve (at) bellsouth (dot) net
(Note: If you need Heidi's phone contact information, you can get it by request via the "Contact Us" form, or by contacting one of us from the "About Us" page)
From the Pack: Popcorn Show and Sell this Saturday 10am
Please remember that our first popcorn show and sell is this Saturday. Please meet at 10:00a.m. in the parking lot of Garrison Mill to join fellow scouts and parents to canvas the neighborhoods around the school. Steve Cook will bring the popcorn and each group will divide the sells between each boy in their group. We have big plans for our pack this year and the more popcorn we sell the less money will come out of our pockets! We had great success going door to door last year and hope for the same this year.
Some good reasons to go with the Pack on the show and sells:
1. Fellowship with other scouts - it is a lot more fun to sell in packs than to sell by yourself
2. Have popcorn in hand to sell - that means no going back for delivery
3. Canvas the entire neighborhood - means more chance to sell
If you can not make this Saturday please add the next two show and sell dates to your calendars.
Saturday, September, 26th- 10:00a.m.
Saturday, October, 3rd- 10:00a.m.
Lisa Baraji
Pack 471
Committee Chair
Some good reasons to go with the Pack on the show and sells:
1. Fellowship with other scouts - it is a lot more fun to sell in packs than to sell by yourself
2. Have popcorn in hand to sell - that means no going back for delivery
3. Canvas the entire neighborhood - means more chance to sell
If you can not make this Saturday please add the next two show and sell dates to your calendars.
Saturday, September, 26th- 10:00a.m.
Saturday, October, 3rd- 10:00a.m.
Lisa Baraji
Pack 471
Committee Chair
From the Pack: Fall Family Camping
Fall Family Camping
October 16-18
Burt Adams Scout Reservation
Covington, GA
Signup Deadline:
September 25
$25 for participating scout and sibling
$15.00 for adults
You can mail your payment or drop in my mailbox:
Lisa Baraji
(Click Here for Lisa's Contact Information)
(Make sure to give me family name and number attending, and we will also need medical forms for all attending adults and children)
A sign up was collected at the Pack Meeting on Tuesday. If you did not get a chance to sign up and you know for sure you are going please let me know as soon as possible so that I can have a head count to start planning the menu.
October 16-18
Burt Adams Scout Reservation
Covington, GA
Signup Deadline:
September 25
$25 for participating scout and sibling
$15.00 for adults
You can mail your payment or drop in my mailbox:
Lisa Baraji
(Click Here for Lisa's Contact Information)
(Make sure to give me family name and number attending, and we will also need medical forms for all attending adults and children)
A sign up was collected at the Pack Meeting on Tuesday. If you did not get a chance to sign up and you know for sure you are going please let me know as soon as possible so that I can have a head count to start planning the menu.
1st Den Meeting and Updates
The first Den Meeting is Tuesday, September 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM.
Lisa Grachen has graciously offered for us to meet at their home:
4629 Wickford Circle
Roswell, GA
Directions: (CLICK HERE)
The house is in Chatsworth. It's the first subdivision off of Mabry coming from QT. It will be Derwent drive. Then make 2nd right onto Chatsworth Overlook and then Right onto Weatherby Way than left onto Wickford Circle. We are at the end of the cul de sac in the yellow house on hill.
1st Activity: What's in your pocket?
Have boys remove everything from their pockets. Make sure they get everything from all of their pockets: pants and shirt, front and back-put it all on a table. With the aid of their adult partner, write down the name of each item. Who has the most in his pockets? Who has the least in his pockets? Who has the most interesting thing in his pocket? Boys will share information from this activity later in the den meeting. The next week we will ask the boys to bring in a collection and this will go towards Elective 16 in the Tiger Cub Handbook.
- Tell your son about the activity and encourage him to put a few small things in his pocket prior to the meeting.
I may ask for some assistance later this week for the meeting as I am researching the Cub Scout Program Helps that Lisa Baraji was so kind to send me.
Future Meetings
I have a request to meet on a different night, so we can open up the options again. It will be difficult to be able to meet everyone's schedule requirements but we want to avoid recurring events if possible. Just a reminder, you are not required to attend 100% of meeting and events. However, the more you are involved with your son in scouting, the more he will get out of it. That being said, I already know that Alex and I cannot do all activities scheduled on the Pack Calendar.
My son Alex has flag football practice on Monday and Thursday. I guess, right now that leaves Wednesday evenings or the Weekend. I am sure that we will move the meeting each season to accommodate as many of us as we can.
For the first Meeting, I am putting together a Tiger Cub Den Meeting Program. I am also putting the Meeting plan for the entire Tiger Cub year together. The annual plan will include a path for each of the boys to achieve their Tiger Badge. Our goal for October is to get all the boys their Bobcat Badge. The Annual Plan will be posted on our Web site when I get it completed (thanks Matt for putting this great site together).
If you cannot attend a meeting, parents will be responsible for making up the achievement activities with their sons or possibly demonstrate achievement at the next meeting. As it has been explained to me, achievements are between the scout and their adult partner. It is an honor system that you and your son will hold yourself to. It is not so important that the scout master the achievement but that he has an understanding and participates in the activity with his adult partner.
Fall Family Camping
The Fall Family Camping activity is October 16-18, 2009. Sounds like a lot of fun; camping, archery, canoeing, camp fire, field activities, etc. If you can, check out and take a look at the Bert Adams Scout Reservations. This is located just outside of Covington, GA. You will need to sign up before September 25, 2009. Not sure how yet, but send me your name if you want to sign up and I will contact David Janes, Scout Master.
Dan Betts
Lisa Grachen has graciously offered for us to meet at their home:
4629 Wickford Circle
Roswell, GA
Directions: (CLICK HERE)
The house is in Chatsworth. It's the first subdivision off of Mabry coming from QT. It will be Derwent drive. Then make 2nd right onto Chatsworth Overlook and then Right onto Weatherby Way than left onto Wickford Circle. We are at the end of the cul de sac in the yellow house on hill.
1st Activity: What's in your pocket?
Have boys remove everything from their pockets. Make sure they get everything from all of their pockets: pants and shirt, front and back-put it all on a table. With the aid of their adult partner, write down the name of each item. Who has the most in his pockets? Who has the least in his pockets? Who has the most interesting thing in his pocket? Boys will share information from this activity later in the den meeting. The next week we will ask the boys to bring in a collection and this will go towards Elective 16 in the Tiger Cub Handbook.
- Tell your son about the activity and encourage him to put a few small things in his pocket prior to the meeting.
I may ask for some assistance later this week for the meeting as I am researching the Cub Scout Program Helps that Lisa Baraji was so kind to send me.
Future Meetings
I have a request to meet on a different night, so we can open up the options again. It will be difficult to be able to meet everyone's schedule requirements but we want to avoid recurring events if possible. Just a reminder, you are not required to attend 100% of meeting and events. However, the more you are involved with your son in scouting, the more he will get out of it. That being said, I already know that Alex and I cannot do all activities scheduled on the Pack Calendar.
My son Alex has flag football practice on Monday and Thursday. I guess, right now that leaves Wednesday evenings or the Weekend. I am sure that we will move the meeting each season to accommodate as many of us as we can.
For the first Meeting, I am putting together a Tiger Cub Den Meeting Program. I am also putting the Meeting plan for the entire Tiger Cub year together. The annual plan will include a path for each of the boys to achieve their Tiger Badge. Our goal for October is to get all the boys their Bobcat Badge. The Annual Plan will be posted on our Web site when I get it completed (thanks Matt for putting this great site together).
If you cannot attend a meeting, parents will be responsible for making up the achievement activities with their sons or possibly demonstrate achievement at the next meeting. As it has been explained to me, achievements are between the scout and their adult partner. It is an honor system that you and your son will hold yourself to. It is not so important that the scout master the achievement but that he has an understanding and participates in the activity with his adult partner.
Fall Family Camping
The Fall Family Camping activity is October 16-18, 2009. Sounds like a lot of fun; camping, archery, canoeing, camp fire, field activities, etc. If you can, check out and take a look at the Bert Adams Scout Reservations. This is located just outside of Covington, GA. You will need to sign up before September 25, 2009. Not sure how yet, but send me your name if you want to sign up and I will contact David Janes, Scout Master.
Dan Betts
Popcorn sales, also Online!
The Powered by Popcorn event is on for our Cub Scouts to raise money for the Pack! The Pack leadership has the materials, and a kick-off event is this Saturday at 10am at Garrison Mill. (if you have the materials, the customers should make checks out to: Pack 471)
You can also sign up online at Trails End (click here). This will allow people to buy online for your Scout, and support the pack, for convenience. Below I have posted some pictures to guide you through the process. Its really easy, and should help for those remote friends and relatives!
(NOTE: Click the photos for a larger view!)
1) Create an Account, using the link at the top right
2) Enter in this information about your Scout
3) Select our Pack
4) Enter the final information. I am not sure the BSA# is needed , but if so, you can get it from our Pack Leaders or the Atlanta Area BSA Council
5) Congratulations, you are done! Now when people visit the Trails End site they can hit the "Change" link on the green Toolbar, and either find your scout by name and zip code, or enter the BSA # (Scout ID)
You can also sign up online at Trails End (click here). This will allow people to buy online for your Scout, and support the pack, for convenience. Below I have posted some pictures to guide you through the process. Its really easy, and should help for those remote friends and relatives!
(NOTE: Click the photos for a larger view!)
From the Pack: Medical Forms and Dues
We need to have a completed medical form on file for everyone in the Pack. If you have done one in the past we will still need a new one from you. These are suppose to be updated annually. Please fill out the "linked below" medical form sections A and C and bring to the Pack Meeting this Tuesday. You can fill the sheet out online and just print it out.
If you have not paid your dues yet, please be prepared to pay your Pack dues ($60 ) at the Pack Meeting (check is preferred, cash also accepted.)
The final deadline for Dues is the October pack meeting.
Medical Form Click Here
If you have not paid your dues yet, please be prepared to pay your Pack dues ($60 ) at the Pack Meeting (check is preferred, cash also accepted.)
The final deadline for Dues is the October pack meeting.
Medical Form Click Here
Uniform Information and Update
I inquired about uniforms to get some additional clarification. I also have visited the Scout Shop. The clerks at the Scout Shop are very helpful but will fill up your basket quickly with everything. There were also a lot of cool things that I wanted to add to my basket.
Here is what you will need:
You do not have to purchase official Cub Scout Trousers or Shorts. The Pack 471 uniform is Jeans.
Remember that you do not have to have the uniform for this Tuesday's Meeting, It will be difficult to also get all the patches sewn on in time. There may also be some information on how to get experienced uniforms at a much lower cost.
(for the above listed uniform items and the handbook, I paid $63.75 plus tax)
- Dan
Here is what you will need:
- Scout Shirt (long or short sleeve)
- Tiger Scout web belt and buckle
- Tiger Scout Neckerchief
- Tiger Scout Neckerchief Slide
- Council Shoulder Patch
- Unit Numerals (471)
- Den Numeral Strip (Den 11)
- World Crest with Scouting 100 years border
- Tiger Cub Handbook
You do not have to purchase official Cub Scout Trousers or Shorts. The Pack 471 uniform is Jeans.
Remember that you do not have to have the uniform for this Tuesday's Meeting, It will be difficult to also get all the patches sewn on in time. There may also be some information on how to get experienced uniforms at a much lower cost.
(for the above listed uniform items and the handbook, I paid $63.75 plus tax)
- Dan
Welcome to Den 11
My name is Dan Betts and, I want to welcome the boys and their families to Den 11. Last night the Den was formed and leaders volunteered. As the new Den Leader I am excited and at the same time wondering what I have got myself into. I did crack open the Leader Book last night and started skimming the contents. At this point, I have a lot to learn and will not profess any innate ability except the desire to do my best. Mr. Matt Lawson has volunteered to be the Assistant Den Leader and I was very impressed with all the support and willingness to pitch in from all the parents present.
There are currently 8 boys in our Den
I will inquire about what type of contact information we can compile for each boy and family in order to facilitate communication.
Our next Pack Meeting is Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 6:45 PM at Garrison Mill Elementary School. Uniform is optional if you have not had a chance to pick one up yet.
The parents last night also agreed that our first Den meeting will be Tuesday September 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM at a location yet to be determined.
Here is my contact information:
{See About Us link above}
Some of the parents also inquired as to where to go to purchase the Class A uniform. The Atlanta Scout Shop is co-located with the Boy Scouts of America; Atlanta Council offices.
Boy Scouts of America, Atlanta Council
Atlanta Scout Shop
1800 Circle 75 Pkwy SE
Atlanta, GA
There are currently 8 boys in our Den
- Ashton Baraji
- Alex Betts
- Daniel Lee
- Matthew Grachen
- Jack Hunter
- Zachary Race
- Andrew Lawson
- Colin Sanders
I will inquire about what type of contact information we can compile for each boy and family in order to facilitate communication.
Our next Pack Meeting is Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 6:45 PM at Garrison Mill Elementary School. Uniform is optional if you have not had a chance to pick one up yet.
The parents last night also agreed that our first Den meeting will be Tuesday September 22, 2009 at 6:30 PM at a location yet to be determined.
Here is my contact information:
{See About Us link above}
Some of the parents also inquired as to where to go to purchase the Class A uniform. The Atlanta Scout Shop is co-located with the Boy Scouts of America; Atlanta Council offices.
Boy Scouts of America, Atlanta Council
Atlanta Scout Shop
1800 Circle 75 Pkwy SE
Atlanta, GA
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