November 6th-Chattahoochee Nature Center Den Meeting 3:30-5:00pm -We need to get a head count of all the scouts and parents coming to this meeting because we can only have 15 total in attendance. So if we have all the boys attend then we will only have room for 5 adults to come. Please send me a note as soon as possible at and let me know if your scout is going to attend and if you would like to attend. I will take adults after kids and will take the first 5 if all the boys go. Right now I know that following will be there:
Keep in mind these Upcoming Events:
October 28th - Map and Compass Beltloop-5:00-6:00 - Leita Thompson Park
November 6th - Den Meeting at Chattahoochee Nature Center
November 11th - Pack Meeting ( Down and Derby Movie Night and Pinewood Derby Car distribution)
November 15th - Den Meeting-Dan Betts Home (we will be planning Pinewood Derby and the boys will achieve cooking outdoors)
December 3rd-Den Meeting to build Refrigerator Box Car -Frank Hunter's Home
December 9th-Pack Meeting (Refrigerator Box Car Races)
December 13th or 20th-possible Den Meeting (need a host family)