Upcoming Events for Den 11/12
February 18th - 1:00 pm - Pack Hike at Leita Thompson
****DATE CHANGE From Previous note****Thursday, February 23-Den Meeting- 6:30pm - Beth and Todd Wiederhold's house 4193 Riverhill Court, Roswell 30075. We will be working on completing our B&G Center Piece.
If we have time we will also start brainstorming a patrol name, flag design, yell, electing patrol leaders, 2 grub masters, skit, duty rosters all for Webelos Woods.
February 26th-Blue and Gold Banquet- 5:00pm - If you have not signed up please contact Robert Payne(rjlpayne@yahoo.com) or Debbie Zaepfel(dzaepfel@bellsouth.net) and get signed up asap. Get those father and son cake
ideas planned and make sure that everything is edible. Please wear your complete class "A" uniforms.
March 3rd-Scouting for Food bag distribution in your neighborhoods (I will hand out bags at the Feb. 23 den meeting)
Week of March 5th-possible den meeting - need a host family (Sanders, Knightons, Pedersen, Lee, Baraji)
March 10th-Scouting for Food pickup in your neighborhoods
March 16th-Pack Meeting/ Hobo Dinner - more details to come
March 19th-possible den meeting- need a host family (Sanders, Knightons, Pedersen, Lee, Baraji)
March 23-25th - Spring Family Camping- Pony Express Riders Wanted (If you have not signed up please contact Robert Payne(rjlpayne@yahoo.com) to sign up.)
April 10th- Pack Meeting, 6:45 at GM
April 14th-15th-Georgia Aquarium sleepover (If you have not signed up please contact Robert Payne(rjlpayne@yahoo.com) or Debbie Zaepfel(dzaepfel@bellsouth.net) and get signed up asap.
April 27th-29th-Webelos Woods-(camping for just bears and webelos with one parent. This is a little different than FFC and SFC in that the boys are more responsible for themselves like boy scouts)
Theme: On the Path to Eagle. We will be working on plans in meetings leading up to this camping event. Everyone will be expected to contribute to the work load including the parents.