What: Den Meeting
When: Saturday, October 8th
Time: 9:45 am
Where: Lisa Baraji's home (send me a note (lbaraji@earthlink.net) if you need the address)
Achievements and Electives that will be covered:
Acievement 9b
Achievement 9d
Achievement 21f
Achievement 21d
Achievement 21g
Elective 25a
Elective 21 a
If you are not able to make the den meeting please let me know and work on the achievements at home with your son. Please let me know if you have any questions. I am also including the schedule of events for our den that I previously sent out to the den.
Den 11/12 Schedule:
October 8th - Den Meeting 9:45 am - Lisa Baraji's house
October 11th-Pack Meeting 6:45 pm -GM (Bobcat Ceremony)
October 15th-Pack Hike at OX BO 11:00am
October 21-23-Fall Family Camping
November 6th-Chattahoochee Nature Center Den Meeting 3:30-5:00pm (more details to come) November 11th - Pack Meeting ( Down and Derby Movie Night and Pinewood Derby Car distribution)
November 15th or 16th - Den Meeting-Dan Betts Home (more details to come)
December 3rd-Den Meeting (Build Refigerator Box Car-need a volunteer family to host and run this meeting (Frank Hunter do I hear you volunteering?)
December 9th-Pack Meeting (Refrigerator Box Car Races)
December 13th or 20th-possible den meeting (need a host family)