
Welcome to the year of the Wolf for Den 11!

If you have changed your e-mail address over the last year, please be sure to sign up on the Den and Pack Websites to get updates. The calendar for the next year has been posted. This will be the primary means of communication for everyone.

1st Pack Meeting:
The first Pack Meeting will be Tuesday, 8/17/2010 in the Garrison Mill Cafeteria. We will be registering for the next year. Registration will be $75.00 this year to help pay for awards, belt-loops, Pack activities, and recharter. Bring your check-book please.

Den Meetings:
We hold our 1st Den Meeting the week of September 7th. I need to know if anyone has a routine schedule for sports or other activities that would interfere with scheduling our meetings on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. We may vary the second meeting of the month to accommodate trips and activities where we do a “go-see-it.” We may also get some new members after the August 17th Pack Meeting that we will need to incorporate into the Den. At our first meeting, I will be asking everyone to volunteer to take a month of meetings like we did last year.

Assistant Cubmaster
As some of you already know, I have elected to be one of the Assistant Cubmasters. In this role, I will act as a support to the Pack and as a Leader Trainer for other Den Leaders. I will need some help with the Den and making sure they are planned out for the year. If you are interested in stepping up to be the Official Den Leader, please feel free to give me a call. In the meantime, I will be at each Den Meeting and supporting each of you as I did last year.