
Our first Den Meeting will be Thursday September 2, 2010 at Garrison Mill Elementary under the covered playground from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM.

Lisa Baraji and David Janes have determined that Den 11 will stay as it is with no new members. That means that we can dive right into our meeting plan. At the first meeting we will

be making a new Den Flag. I have found out that our Pack has met the requirements for the National Summertime Activity Award and that Den 11 will receive a ribbon for our flag for having 50% of our Den attend each of three activities (Scout Summer Day Camp, Pack Picnic, and the August Den Meeting). So naturally, we will need a flag t

o put the ribbon on. In addition to the ribbon, scouts who attended all three events will receive a National Summertime Activity Pin to be worn on their uniform. I am also looking into if the PTA Flag Ceremony will count towards participation as well.

In addition we will start on a trial to cover the 12 values of Cub Scouts that will take us through the next 12 months. There will also be relay races and fun!

I will then hand out the meeting plans for October through March 2011 and will ask each family to take a months worth of planning (like we did last year).

Right now, I believe the consensus is to meet on Thursday nights. We will plan on two Den Meetings a month with the 1st and last Thursday of each month. However, some meetings will be better suited for a weekend, like some of the Go-See-Its were last year. We will finalize this decision at or first meeting. Let me know ahead of time if you have any concerns.

I did notice that the Calendar on the Den 11 Website is not correct anymore. Please check the Pack 471 calendar for Pack dates.