
Emergency Preparedness Pin - Meeting Dates

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!

We will hold two Den Meetings prior to the school year kicking off to work on the Emergency Preparedness Pin. There will be three steps to the pin:

1. Homework: I will send out three checklists this week for homework. This should not take a lot of time but could save lives and prevent injuries in your family.
- Home Safety Checklist
- Family disaster Checklist
- 1st Aid Kit Recommended Supplies

2. Safety Training and Fun: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 (5:30 - 6:30 PM)
- Bring your bicycle to Garrison Mill School for bicycle safety and fun (don’t forget your helmet).
- We will cover the rest of the steps for Wolf Scout Achievement #9 and Elective #16.

3. Presentations: Tuesday, August 3, 2010 (5:30 - 6:30 PM)
- Scouts will present on something they learned. We may then look at presenting to the Pack some of the highlights as a Den.

Please get back with me on these dates. I want to be as flexible as we can so that everyone can participate.