
Fall Family Camping - Update

Hey everyone, there was some new information distributed about the Fall Family Camping. Everything is posted on the Pack website here: http://gmpack471.org/wordpress/?page_id=76

Make sure to review the posts on what to bring below, and print out the directions and other information! We will be at campsite numbered (5) on the Camp Map, named Jones. It is close to the back of the reservation, near the lake.

There are some good blocks of free time, so the Den will use some for finishing up Bobcat stuff, if needed, practicing our "Color Guard" for the next Pack meeting, and just "cutting loose"! (Heck, there's a lake if you are interested in dropping a line!)

An email came out about some compass training on Saturday morning. If you have one, great! If not, they have them at the camping/sport area in Wal-Mart, not too expensive to real cheap!

It's supposed to be VERY cold tomorrow night, so make sure to bring warm clothes, a good sleeping bag, and more for the night! If it gets real cold, at least we can earn our Extreme Winter Survival Skills & Frostbite Recovery badges ;-)

Feel free to contact Dan and I for any questions. I believe Dan will be there earlier than I, but who can tell with Atlanta traffic?