
Placement of Arrow Points

Congratulations to all Den 11 scouts and parents for achieving the Wolf Badge. I am very proud of each of the boys and thankful for the support from each of the families in the Den.

Each scout received their Wolf Badge and a number of arrow points. I wanted to share my experience with the sewing of the arrow points on the uniform which was not easy. I first tried to sew them on individually and they ended up crooked and uneven. I finally decided to put a drop of hot glue and place them on the uniform then sew. This worked much better. Please refer to the pictures for placement of the Wolf Badge and arrow points. The Gold Arrow Point is located 3/4 inches below the Wolf Badge.

Also, it is worth mentioning all the recognition that the Den received at the Blue and Gold Banquet. This would not be possible without the great group of parents that is supporting the scouts. 3rd Place in the Table Center Piece Contest, Jack Hunter received first place in the Pinewood Derby for the Wolf Rank, Alex Betts received first place for Best In Show for his Pinewood Derby, Jack Hunter and Daniel Lee tied for winning the Moon Walk Contest, and Den 11 was able to receive their Wolf Badges at the Blue and Gold Banquet right on target with our goal. I was also very impressed with the cakes from Den 11.