
November 4th Den Meeting

Another great Den Meeting. Thanks Dan for hosting and putting all the prep work in for this meeting. I am very proud of the scouts and their progress towards their Wolf Badge and Elective Chevrons. Tonight we had a lot of fun and completed the following:

Achievement 4a - List of Emergency Numbers (be sure to finish this at home)
Achievement 4b - Tell what to do if someone comes to your home
Achievement 4c - Tell what to do if someone calls on the phone
Achievement 4d - Tell what to do when you leave your house

We also built our Rain Gutter Regatta Boats for the next Pack Meeting. This also fulfills the requirement for Elective 5g.

Dan will plan our next meeting which will be to Visit an important place.

Also tonight we had several parents who had multiple commitments. I am very pleased that arrangements were able to be made so that those scouts could attend the meeting. If you have a conflict, please call the Den Leader or another parent and see what accommodations can be made. Attendance at Den Meetings is very important for the scouts.

Thanks again for all the support from the parents!