
Upcoming Events

We had a great time on Saturday at the Home Depot Workshop. Thanks to Matt Lawson for setting this up. I also want to thank Den 10 for joining us and taking these wonderful pictures.
David Janes, Cub Master is planning a Rocket Launch this month and has tentatively scheduled May 21st as the launch day. I have a model Rocket for the Den that the scouts will need to put together and decorate. In addition, I have another launcher pad and if you want to purchase and build your own rocket, please feel free to do so. We will try to add it to the launch roster on launch day. In order to get our rocket ready to go, we will meet at Garrison Mill under the covered playground before the Pack Meeting to put it together. Does anyone have an old folding card table they could bring to build our Alpha III Rocket on?

Please mark your for the following upcoming events:

March 16, 2010 Den 11 Meeting - 6:00 PM Garrison Mill
March 16, 2010 March Pack Meeting - 6:45 PM Garrison Mill
March 21, 2010 Estees Model Rocket Launch (Tentative) Time and Location TBD
March 27, 2010 Habitat Day Garrison Mill Elementary School -8:00 AM to ________
April 2, 2010 Hiking Belt Loop - 4:00 PM – Meet at Gold Rush Trail along the Chattahoochee
April 5-9, 2010 Cobb County Spring Break
April 16-18, 2010 Spring Family Camping - Woodruff Scout Reservation
April 20, 2010 April Pack Meeting - 6:45 PM Garrison Mill
May 4, 2010 May Den Meeting - 6:30 PM (location TBD)
May 7, 2010 Pet Care Belt Loop Activity – 5:30 PM (location TBD)
May 14 & 15, 2010 Pack Camping at Northbrook United Methodist Church, Roswell.
May 18, 2010 May Pack Meeting - 6:45 PM Garrison Mill
May 31, 2010 Memorial Day Flag Ceremony at the National Cemetery in Marietta