
Blue and Gold Banquet Preparations

Wow, what a great trip last weekend to the USS Yorktown. I am more and more amazed at how much the boys picked up about national service and history while having a great time. I also want to say that the scouts were all well behaved and respectful, a testament to the parent involvement from our Den. Please send your pictures to Matt Lawson so he can get them posted on the Website.

The Blue and Gold Banquet is coming up Sunday, February 21, 2010. You must purchase Tickets to attend (we really need a head count so we can order the food). If you have not signed up yet, please contact Katja Dell at katjad@bellsouth.net. Our Den will be entering a table center piece and doing a skit.

For the table center piece, we nominated Frank Hunter to help build a representation of a Pinewood Derby track. I heard that the Grachen’s and Sanders’ have offered to help. Matt Lawson will print out all the pictures everyone has been sending him and then the scouts will decorate the race billboards, and side of the track with pictures representing this years theme, “This Year in Scouting.”

For the Skit, we will do a skit - a small Public Service Announcement on Scouting (that also counts for an elective). I will be sending out the parts for each scout in by Monday so that they can start practicing.

Dad’s and scouts (no mom’s) will be joining in a cake baking contest (see the pack Website for rules). Note: Cake’s will be judged by the scouts so think like a Scout and work with your son’s to come up with a winning idea. The theme for the cakes is, “Favorite thing in Scouting.”

In order to prepare for the Blue and Gold, we will be having our next Den Meeting on February 18, 2010 at Daniel Lee’s house from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Please plan on being at the meeting to help decorate the center piece.
