
Den 11 Parants Meeting 2/2/2010

Partners/Parents Meeting:
Now that the Den 11 scouts have completed all the requirements for their Tiger Badges, we have an opportunity to do more fun things and not be tied to the traditional meeting format. The goal is to plan the Den 11 calendar and goals from February through September. We will hold a Parents Meeting on Tuesday February 2, 2010 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. I will let everyone know the location of the meeting sometime next week but will probably be at my house.

Agenda Items:
1. Blue and Gold Banquet Coordinator
- Table Centerpiece
- Den Skit

2. Den Historian

3. Summer Camp

4. Wolf Badge Requirements

5. Retention and Recruitment

6. Den 11 fun activities through September (Options)
- Belt Loops - such as fishing, swimming, and other summer oriented loops
- Electives
- Volunteer Activities
- Emergency Preparedness Pin

7. Leadership Training Opportunities

Current Calendar Feb – Sep
February 2, 2010 Den 11 Parents Meeting
February 9, 2010 Den 11 Meeting
February 5-7, 2010 USS Yorktown
February 12, 2010 Belt Loop Activity – Photography
February 16, 2010 Pack Meeting
February 21, 2010 Blue & Gold Banquet
March 12, 2010 Belt Loop Activity – Disability Awareness
March 16, 2010 Pack Meeting
April 2, 2010 Belt Loop Activity – Hiking
April 16-18, 2010 Spring Family Camping
April 20, 2010 Pack Meeting
May 7, 2010 Belt Loop Activity – Pet Care
May 18, 2010 Pack Meeting
May 29, 2010 Flag Ceremony at Marietta Cemetary
June 14-19, 2010 Foothills District Cub Scout Summer Camp