
Parents Meeting at I-HOP on Johnson's Ferry Road

The Den 11 Parents meeting will be Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 7:00 PM. We will meet at the I-HOP on Johnson Ferry Road.

3130 Johnson Ferry Road
Marietta, GA

See you there!

Den 11 will do PTA Flag Ceremony 2-4-10

Den 11 has been selected to present the Flag Ceremony at the Garrison Mill PTA Meeting on Thursday, February 4, 2010. The meeting starts at 6:30 PM so we would need to be there between 6:00 and 6:15 PM. Scouts do not need to stay for the meeting.

Please let me know who can and cannot be there.

I will also need one of the scouts to call the commands:

"Color Guard, advance"
"Color Guard, halt“
"Color Guard, post the colors“
"Scout Salute“
"Please join me in the Pledge Of Allegiance“
"Two“ (all scouts stop saluting)
"Color Guard, dismissed“

Race Times for Tiger Cubs:

Here are the race start times. This is also on the Pack Web site as a flyer. I will be helping out and be at Garrison Mills at 12:00 PM. My wife will bring Alex 30 minutes before the Tiger race time.

Race Start Times: Webelos 1:30 PM *
Bear 2:15 PM *
Wolf 2:45 PM *
Tiger 3:15 PM *
Siblings 4:00 PM *

* You do not need to be there until 30 minutes before the race begins for your rank.

Race Weigh-In Dates and Times

Friday, Jan 22 5:30 – 7:30 PM Initial Weigh-In period
Saturday, Jan 23 12:00 – 4:00 PM Final Weigh-In period

Each scout must weigh in their car prior to the day of the race at one of the official race weigh-in dates above, or by appointment. You are free to weigh in the cars as often as you like prior to the Final Weigh-In period, subject to the dates above. After final weigh-in, the cars will remain at the Ingram’s house for judging and will be transported to the race by the race committee.

Public Use Digital Scales: You are free to use the Post Office digital scales incorporated into the self mailing kiosk. To use the scales, click mail envelope and place the car, wheels, axels and weight on the scales until you reach 5 oz, then just affix the weight to the car. While the pack holds the official digital scale, the Post Office scales are very accurate.

Address of the Ingram’s house:
3570 Brookhill CirMarietta, GA 30062
Woodbine Station
(770) 509-2487 / (770) 573-7541

Den 11 Parants Meeting 2/2/2010

Partners/Parents Meeting:
Now that the Den 11 scouts have completed all the requirements for their Tiger Badges, we have an opportunity to do more fun things and not be tied to the traditional meeting format. The goal is to plan the Den 11 calendar and goals from February through September. We will hold a Parents Meeting on Tuesday February 2, 2010 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM. I will let everyone know the location of the meeting sometime next week but will probably be at my house.

Agenda Items:
1. Blue and Gold Banquet Coordinator
- Table Centerpiece
- Den Skit

2. Den Historian

3. Summer Camp

4. Wolf Badge Requirements

5. Retention and Recruitment

6. Den 11 fun activities through September (Options)
- Belt Loops - such as fishing, swimming, and other summer oriented loops
- Electives
- Volunteer Activities
- Emergency Preparedness Pin

7. Leadership Training Opportunities

Current Calendar Feb – Sep
February 2, 2010 Den 11 Parents Meeting
February 9, 2010 Den 11 Meeting
February 5-7, 2010 USS Yorktown
February 12, 2010 Belt Loop Activity – Photography
February 16, 2010 Pack Meeting
February 21, 2010 Blue & Gold Banquet
March 12, 2010 Belt Loop Activity – Disability Awareness
March 16, 2010 Pack Meeting
April 2, 2010 Belt Loop Activity – Hiking
April 16-18, 2010 Spring Family Camping
April 20, 2010 Pack Meeting
May 7, 2010 Belt Loop Activity – Pet Care
May 18, 2010 Pack Meeting
May 29, 2010 Flag Ceremony at Marietta Cemetary
June 14-19, 2010 Foothills District Cub Scout Summer Camp

Yorktown Accomodations

Pack 471 has arranged for a good deal on accomodations on February 5, 2010 ahead of our stay on the USS Yorktown.

You can get a room at the Quality Inn and Suites at Patriots Point for $89.00 plus tax. If you want to share a room with another scout and parent, you can also arrange that.

Call 1-843-856-8817

Tiger Scout Electives

Most of the scouts have now completed all the requirements for their Tiger Badges. I just need a couple more parents to report their progress on one or two things. Once the scout has completed all 15 Achievements, they can start earning the yellow disks. 1 yellow disk can be earned for every 10 electives.

Please keep track of your electives and let me know at the Den Meetings how many yellow disks have been earned.


Announcing 12 New Belt Loops and Activity Pins

Announcing 12 New Belt Loops and Pins available for Cub Scouts.

Disability Awareness

Family Travel

Good Manners


Pet Care


Reading and Writing

Video Games


Horseback Riding



All scouts can start earning these Belt Loops and Pins February 2010. Our Pack will be offering some of these at the Pack Belt Loop Activities:

February 12: Photography Belt Loop

March 12: Disability Belt Loop

April 2: Hiking Belt Loop

May 7: Pet Care Care

Please check the Pack Calendar for these and other dates & details. I have a book on the requirements and they should also be posted on line at: www.boyscouttrail.com/cub-scouts/acad-sports.asp

Cub Scout Summer Camp -

Mark your calendars for the 2010 Foothills District Cub Scout Summer Camp!
This year’s theme will be the 100th Birthday of Scouting

Dates: June 14-18, 2010
Times: 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Daily
Fees: Fees have been reduced this year to $85 per scout.

Registration forms will be coming out soon.
Scouts will be able to earn belt loops and achievements getting a jump on their Wolf Badge. Summer Camp encompasses all that Cub Scouts is.

We will also need volunteers to attend the camp with the scouts. Each Pack must send 1 adult per 4 scouts each day. I will plan on attending at least one day.

Cub Scout Summer Camp

Mark your calendars.

The Foothills Area Council will be holding their Cub Scout Summer Camp the week of

June 14-18, 2010

at a location in Marietta. This is a day camp where scouts will spend the day having fun and working on electives, belt loops and achievements. The achievements can count towards their Wolf Badge for the next year.

More details will be available soon, but be sure to start planning.

January Go-See-It

The January Go-See-It will be next Weekend
January 16, 2010

Lassiter JV Boys Basketball.
Sat. Jan 16 4:30 Home

We will meet at Lassiter and find a place we can all sit together.

January Activities for Den 11

January and February will be a very busy months for our scouts.

January 8, 2010 - Optional Pinewood Derby Movie Night at Garrison Mill (Check Pack 471 Website for times). A fun movie about scouts and dad's quest to win the Pinewood Derbery (commedy). Popcorn will be served and the race track will be set up for scouts to test their cars

January 12, 2010 - Denn 11 Meeting at Colin Sanders' home at 6:30 PM
4603 Wickford Circle
Marietta, GA

It is just down the street from the Grachen's where we have meet before.

January 19, 2010 - Pack Meeting

January 22, 2010 - Optional Ice Skating Belt Loop Activity (check Pack 471 Website for details)

January 22 & 23, 2010 - Weigh in and inspection for Pinewood Derby cars (check Pack 471 Website for details). All cars must be inspected and turned in to be eligible to race.

January 24, 2010 - Pinewood Derby at Garrison Mills from 1:00 - 4:30 PM.

February 6, 2010 - USS Yorktown Adventure

TBD - Sports Go-See-IT. Thomas Sanders is working on a Go-See-It that will fulfill Achievement 3G before the February Pack Meeting.

Also, please work on catching up on your achievements. After the January Den Meeting and Go See IT, all Den 11 scouts should be caught up and ready to get their Tiger Badges.