
USS Yorktown - Still some slots left

Dear Parents:

I know the USS Yorktown trip is far away and everyone is busy with Thanksgiving and the upcoming holidays. Nevertheless, the Pack needs to pay for the trip 2 months in advance.

Therefore, if you signed up at the last pack meeting and gave me your payment, you are good to go.
If you signed up and DID NOT PAY you MUST DO SO BY December 1st. No exceptions. I am leaving town on December 3rd!!!
If you are not on my list and you would like to go, please call me or e-mail me asap; we still have a few spots.

Webelos I and II, but not excluding:
If you have financial constraints that keep you and especially your child from going on this trip, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I am home over Thanksgiving break and no one is visiting so please feel free to call me with questions. (cell 770-289-7969)



Katja Dell
4358 Burnleigh Chase NE
Roswell, GA 30075
(770) 518-4133